Why we've fallen for the marvelous Martina, the Twin Cities' Best New Restaurant

May 03, 2018 523

BY: Hannah Sayle

There was a time when you could dump some garden-variety ice in a glass, swirl it around with the right ingredients, and I’d knock it back with grateful satisfaction. That was before Martina, where each drink is made with its own particular type of ice: crushed, cubed, stamped, and slivered. No number of slapdash drinks can unring that bell.

But why gush over ice when we’ve just freed ourselves of winter’s frosty chains? Because details like these define Martina. The cocktails, most around $9 and many with house-made vermouths and tinctures, come with a garnish or straw (glass, bamboo, colored paper) that feels distinctive and special. And oh, that ice: A giant cube in the Old Fashioned is branded with a copper stamp, perhaps the mark of some cloak-and-dagger society we’re dying to join.

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SOURCE: http://www.citypages.com

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