San Diego Italian Community Section Returns

Apr 22, 2013 674

Benvenuto San Diego e ben tornato! Welcome San Diego and welcome back to the L'Italo-Americano Italian Community section where we are particularly excited to have your dedicated section back in print.

Community is a vital and important value to Italians. With the addition of San Diego, the Golden State is now complete with the trifecta of major cities on our West coast being represented here in the L'Italo-Americano which consist of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego.
Primarily, our focus will be contemporary Italian. Certainly, we will recognize and appreciate the past of humble beginnings, however, our focus will be present day Italian with current happenings that can be found in and around the entire San Diego County community.
We are confident you will enjoy reading current stories of prominent Italian-Americans and their heritage with relevant and exciting news.

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano

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