One of my favorite things to do when I lived in Italy was to go to festivals with mamma and watch the spettacoli di marionette (marionette shows). One of the most famous marionettes (or pupo in Sicilian) is Pinocchio but there is another character born in 1958 who is just as famous today. Chi è? Who is it? His name is Topo Gigio! Topo Gigio was the...

Farewell to Maria Perego, the television author who in 1959 created the character of Topo Gigio. Perego, who was 95 years old, was working on the return of Topo Gigio to Rai Yoyo, expected next year. His death was announced "with great pain" by Alessandro Rossi, administrator of Topo Gigio srl. "The Lady – she says – was an exceptional ambassador o...