St. Raymond Elementary School in Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY recently experienced a magical day filled with excitement, joy, and valuable life lessons as they hosted not one but two captivating bilingual shows for grades K-8. Incanto Productions, Italian Queens-based theater company, specialized in multicultural and multilingual productions for schools...
READ MOREIn Italy, a country that exudes centuries-old traditions rooted in Christianity, there exists a holiday that captures the imagination of both young and old alike every Jan. 6. The holiday — known as La Befana — is a unique blend of religion and folklore that marks the end of the Christmas season. La Befana is often referred to as the “Christmas wit...
READ MORESunday, January 7, 2024 • 1:00 - 4:00pm. Children Under 16 Are FREE - Adults $15. At the Italian Center: 6821 Fair Oaks Blvd, Carmichael 95608. The Epiphany Feast, or La Befana, is an important part of the Christmas celebrations in Italy. One of Italy's oldest and most renowned legends, "La Befana," is honored with special events throughout Italy o...
READ MOREEvery year on 6 January, I find myself drawn to the Renaissance town of Urbania, in the elegantly rolling hills of the central Italian region of Marche. Located around an hour south-west of coastal Pesaro – which Italy has crowned its Capital of Culture for 2024 – barely 6,000 residents live inside Urbania’s medieval walls. Yet tens of thousands mo...
READ MOREThe Italian American Club, 2217 52nd St., features a Brunch with Befana on Sunday, Jan. 7. The event, from 9 a.m. to noon, is hosted by the Italian American Ladies Auxiliary. The buffet meal includes a sausage and cheese frittata, potatoes, ham, fruit, French toast, croissants, juice, milk and coffee. The cost is $18 for adults and $10 for children...
READ MORECome and join us for a fun afternoon playing the Italian traditional Tombola game: A children’s event brought to you by Comites San Francisco, Il Punto and Casa Italiana. Also there will be an appearance by La Befana herself! La Befana is a friendly witch in Italian folklore who delivers gifts for the good children, and lumps of coal to the bad one...
READ MOREItalians celebrate the religious feast of the Epiphany, or the more popular folklore version of La Befana, on 6 January which falls on a Friday in 2023. The Epiphany is a national holiday across Italy, with public offices closed, and marks the official end of the Christmas season. In the Bible tradition the feast of the Epiphany is when the Three W...
READ MOREOne of Italy’s oldest and most renowned legends “The Legend Of La Befana" is honored with special events throughout Italy on this holiday. In Sacramento and other Italian communities in the United States it has been a tradition to celebrate the day with a children’s festival. On January 8, 2023, La Befana will visit the children of Sacramento with...
READ MOREI have heard of La Befana throughout my family and in school. I was incredibly lucky to be able to take a trip to Italy to see all my cousins there in 2018. While I was there, my zias and zios (aunts and uncles) told me stories about La Befana and what she would leave the kids. I also heard about her while in school when we did some research on oth...
READ MORERome's popular Befana market returns to Piazza Navona this Christmas, running from 1 December until 6 January 2023. The event, a traditional fixture on Rome's Christmas calendar, was cancelled for the last two years due to the covid pandemic. This year the city published tenders to assign 22 operating licenses to stall-holders, with the goal of fil...