di Roberto Zanni, Gente d'Italia - ItaliaChiamaItalia   C'è bisogno di una nuova spinta. Servono nuovi talenti. C'è la assoluta necessità di un cambio di marcia per rilanciare l'Italia che è come una macchina dal motore potentissimo, ma alla quale manca... la benzina. E uno dei carburanti più preziosi per far correre un paese, lo fornisce l'...

By Sara Strippoli La nuova scoperta, un'altra tappa nella lotta alla Sla, la terribile sclerosi laterale amiotrofica, ha portato i ricercatori italiani guidato dal professor Adriano Chiò della Città della Salute di Torino sulla copertina di Nature Neuroscience, che ha dedicato la copertina al team italo-americano che da anni lavora per sconfiggere...

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences named Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Professor Federico Capasso and electrical engineer Alfred Cho as the recipients of the 2015 Rumford Prize on Tuesday, in recognition of their contributions to the field of laser technology.   The award will be presented to Capas...

The Etruscans were a powerful clan with an alien tongue and strange customs. They emerged in what is now central Italy sometime around the 6th century BC. And no one is more obsessed with the Etruscans than the Italians themselves.   "I think that 90 percent of [Italian] taxi drivers can tell you something about the Etruscans," quips Fr...

Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation yearly presents awards to acknowledge the research of young Italian investigators working in North America, whose commitment to their discipline of study is innovative, potentially impactful and honors their country of origin.   ISSNAF Board of Trustees encourages all Italian early-...

With research areas including nanotechnology, agrifood, robotics, ICT, and life sciences, scientific cooperation between Italy and the United States was strengthened and bolstered when the 2016-2017 Joint Declaration on Scientific and Technological Cooperation was signed today at the Foreign Ministry headquarters. In the afternoon, experts from the...

Researchers say they have found the earliest representation of transplant surgery in a painting that depicts a scene from somewhere around the 5 th century AD, at least 1,400 years before modern medical practitioners first theorized transplantation. The 14 th century painting, which is in the North Carolina Art Museum in Raleigh, North Carolina, U...

  WTI Magazine #48    2014 November, 26Author : Giuseppina Salzano e Giovanni Verde      Translation by:   Among the most influential and controversial Italian scientists of the last decades, Margherita Hack has distinguished herself in Italy and abroad for studies of astronomy, for her unconventional views and her ability to explain to ordinary...

di Maria Rosa Pavia   La figlia di Francesco Greco, ricercatore all'Iit di Pontedera, aveva quattro anni e una vera passione per i tatuaggi temporanei, i «trasferelli» che rilasciano un'immagine sulla pelle bagnandoli con l'acqua.   Greco in quel momento stava facendo una ricerca sui nano film polimerici e nella sua mente c'è stato un...

by Luca Orlando   Japan, Korea, but especially China. In geographic terms, these are the main buyers of robots in the global market, which has posted new records in terms of sales and stocks. Global orders for 2015 have, in fact, risen by 12%, reaching 250,000 units (double the figure of 2010), bringing the overall "mass" of installed indust...