From homemade ravioli coming out “I Love Lucy” conveyor belt-style, to freshly made pizzas, cannolis, breads, cheeses and so much more, Mimi’s Ravioli off Johnson Street in Hollywood has it all. “Mimi’s Ravioli is your local family bakery, pasta manufacturer. All Italian food,” said Anthony Billisi, one of the owners. “We do everything from differe...

As usual, the 89th Academy Awards, aka “Oscars,” ceremony – annually presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) – is going to take place at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, on February 26th. More unusual is the presence of Italian roots both in one of the event’s producers, Michael De Luca, and in the host of the evening, c...

by Nick Vivarelli   Italy's Leone Film Group, the company originally founded by spaghetti western master Sergio Leone, has forged an alliance with Rome's Cinecittà Studios to jointly attract and provide executive production services to Hollywood productions lured by the country's generous production incentives.   The pact envisions Le...

You know him as Rocky and Rambo. But put aside Sylvester Stallone's signature characters, how well do you know the man behind the muscle? On his 69th birthday today, we bring you 10 interesting facts about the Hollywood action star that you might not have known 1. Sylvester Stallone's trademark droopy eyes and slurred speech are the result of para...

by Elisabetta Russo   Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco, musicista fiorentino. Recitava così il titolo della raccolta di musiche di Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco che egli stesso soleva custodire in un preziosissimo notebook – un compendio di tutte le sue composizioni e insieme un omaggio a Firenze, la patria da cui si separò prematuramente a causa delle...

di Cinzia Romani   Le star internazionali, da Brigitte Bardot a Sophia Loren, prima d'essere attrici erano donne sexy e attraenti. Fa eccezione Anna Magnani, che non era né glamour, né seducente, pur essendo arrivata in vetta, a Hollywood: fu la prima attrice italiana a vincere l'Oscar con La rosa tatuata (1955), film scritto per lei dal com...

In molti certamente sapranno che Joe Pesci, il celebre attore Hollywoodiano interprete di tantissimi film di successo, ha origini aquiloniesi. La mamma, infatti, tale Maria Mesce, partita a cavallo delle due guerre mondiali a cercar fortuna in America, era nata ad Aquilonia. Dopo il suo arrivo a New York, il 20 marzo del 1920, alla tenera età di...

by Michael Traversa   With Fantastic Four currently in theatres actress Kate Mara, who plays Susan Storm, the Invisible Woman, is finally getting her spot in the sun among Hollywood stars, after years of supporting roles.   Despite the heavy criticism the movie has received and the production troubles splattered over every industry pu...

"The secret of Joy" di Max Bartoli, il cortometraggio ambientato nel fantastico mondo di Re Artù realizzato a Hollywood, ha coinvolto professionisti italiani, americani e inglesi, con l'obiettivo di raccogliere fondi da devolvere al The Kids Cancer Research Foundation di San Luis Obispo in California e ad altri due ospedali europei, oltre a sensibi...

Italian film star Sophia Loren gained fame for her roles in films like "Two Women," "El Cid," "A Special Day," and "Nine." Her Hollywood stardom began in the 1950s, and by the '60s, she became an international celebrity who starred in Italian, American, and French films.   But she didn't take every role that came along. Here are a few she mi...