Ten shorts by the Sicilian documentary filmmaker Vittorio De Seta will be made available on the Criterion Channel, January 28. In recognition of 30 years since Martin Scorsese founded the Film Foundation, an organization dedicated to preserving cinema, Criterion Channel is releasing a number of films that have been saved and restored thanks to this...

Much of Italy’s Region of Calabria is coastal, a peninsula in itself surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Its southernmost riviera, running along the Ionian Sea between the cities of Riace and Locri, is known as the Costa dei Gelsomini, or Jasmine Coast. One of the wildest coastlines and steeped in history, the magnificent Costa dei Gelsomini winds...

La pandemia da Coronavirus ha peggiorato drasticamente la situazione economica del mondo del calcio. Casse prosciugate e risorse economiche risicate: diverse società sono sull’orlo del baratro e serve un intervento netto per salvarle da un futuro sempre più incerto. Un aiuto potrebbe arrivare da investitori esteri pronti ad entrare nel calcio itali...

Spetterà probabilmente al Console Generale d'Italia a Chicago tenere a battesimo, nei prossimi mesi, it Grande Museo degli Italiani d'America che sta per nascere nel cuore di "Casa Italia" ai margini della City, per una iniziativa the a tutta calabrese. L'idea del Museo è infatti nata e cresciuta tra i calabresi che vivono a Chicago, e che da quasi...

Thanks to a Calabrian parish and its leader, the Chanukah lights shined a bit brighter last week for a southern Italian congregation led by a former Pittsburgher. With the eight-day holiday nearing its end, Sinagoga Ner Tamid del Sud — the first synagogue to openly function in Calabria, Italy, since the Inquisition — faced a dilemma. For years, the...

Everything Michéal Castaldo loves includes sharing the very best Italian music, the freshest olive oil from his family’s groves, a stay at his family’s enchanting villa, Villetta Mimma Vittoria, named for michéal’s mother. To spend time with michéal is to drink in all the things that go with “La Dolce Vita,” the sweetest life imaginable.Michéal beg...

In the province of Cosenza and still upheld in inland villages, there is the Christmas Eve tradition of the strina. In the past, the musicians used to go from house to house to bring the “good news” of Christ’s birth, getting paid and thanked with eggs, cheese, olive oil, wine and salami. In more recent times, groups of relatives, friends, acquaint...

Blessed with one of the most beautiful languages, Italy is also home to a plethora of linguistic minorities, twelve to be precise, across fourteen regions, with almost three million speakers. The Occitan linguistic minority of the Alpine valleys of Piedmont and Liguria is probably one of the most well known, also because of the importance the langu...

The social distancing protocols brought on by the pandemic has given people around the globe a newfound appreciation for nature. Being forced to swap crowded Sunday brunches for hiking trails and big neighbourhood barbecues for solitary walks has led more people than ever outdoors. If you too have gone full-blown nature lover, Italy has something i...

Entro il 24 dicembre 2020 sarà possibile iscriversi al Master di I livello dedicato alla formazione della figura professionale “Esperto in organizzazione e gestione del turismo delle radici” (Roots Travel Planning and Management), presso l’Università della Calabria di Arcavacata (Cosenza). Il Master, coordinato dal prof. Tullio Romita, Professore A...