Italy's Carabinieri are celebrating 200 years of history this year. The country's military police has a long tradition of valor and courage, but has also been able to reach out to all corners of the globe and establish affiliated branches, like Boston's Sezione Alberto Dalla Chiesa, founded in 2003. The Boston-based group held its 11th anniversary...

di Giuseppe Pio Capogrosso   Nel recente contributo sull'immigrazione di nostri concittadini negli Stati Uniti d'America, scaturito dalla consultazione dei registri degli immigranti o Passengerarrival Lists tenuti dal 1892 al 1924, ho segnalato, tra i personaggi illustri, l'allora noto musicista mandurino Oreste Sbavaglia (erroneamente regis...

by Nicholas Dello Russo This skit has Rosaria singing in French and Italian and I think she does a fantastic job. She is accompanied by the great Sal Marino playing his accordion. After graduating from college Rosaria lived in France and Spain. She was a street singer in the Quartier Latin and sang Edith Piaf songs on the Boulevard san Germai...

Whether you are planning a trip to Italy, wish to communicate with your Italian family or simply want to learn to speak a foreign language, learning to speak Italian is fun! C.A.S.IT., Inc. (Centro Attività Scolastiche Italiane), the education committee under the auspices of the Italian Consulate of Boston, is pleased to invite those who wish to l...

E' indetta una procedura di selezione - che si svolgerà attraverso un colloquio - per l'assunzione di un impiegato a contratto temporaneo da adibire ai servizi di Assistente amministrativo nel settore consolare per la durata di sei mesi.   Possono partecipare alla selezione i candidati con i seguenti requisiti:1. abbiano, alla data del prese...

One of Ancient Rome's most stunning bronze portraits will be on display at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts until May 1, 2013.Known as "The Capitoline Brutus," the larger-than-life-sized head of a bearded man, with its original eyes made of ivory and glass, is considered one of the earliest examples of portraiture and has remained an icon of Roman art...

The scent of garlic, sausage, and tomatoes hits you somewhere between Haymarket and Cross Street, before you've even officially reached the North End.   From the distance, you can spot colorful streamers in bold red, green, and yellow floral patterns stretched across the winding streets, twinkling with metallic thread once you get a closer l...

Tre morti, tra cui un bambino di 8 anni, e 141 feriti: questo il drammatico bilancio delle due esplosioni che ieri hanno funestato l'arrivo della Maratona di Boston, la gara podistica più antica del mondo dopo quella di Atene.   Per aiutare i connazionali residenti a Boston o giunti in città per partecipare all'evento sportivo il Consolato i...

When: Friday, July 11, 2014 — 6 to 11 p.m.Where: Hawthorne Hotel — 18 Washington Sq., Salem, MALocal sports agent and former Salem High football star Sean Stellato has written his first book, "No Backing Down." Set in 1994, the book deals with the Salem teachers strike and how Salem High head football coach Ken Perrone defied an order to cease and...

Sometimes fashion means more than glitz, clothes, trends and runways. Sometimes fashion embodies the balance between health and beauty, the dance among food, imagination and inner happiness and the art of living well. I was thrilled by the story of Italian-American creator and educator Mary Capozzi who certainly knows how to be stylish. Through de...