di Riccardo Chioni   Albany si è vestita del tricolore nella ricorrenza dell'annuale Italian-American Day organizzato dalla New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators che si ritrovano per celebrare le proprie origini con una festa e, nell'Anno della Cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti, alla cerimonia ha partecipato il console g...

The American Italian Heritage Museum in The Presence of Angels by Mico Di Arpo. Opening reception: April 24th 6pm – 8pmAmerican Italian Heritage Museum-  1227 Central Ave. Albany, NY 12205Contact: Prof. /Cav. Philip J. Di Novo 518- 435-1979 April 24th through June 30th 2015 In the presence of Angels is a new collection of buon fresco pa...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says his father, 82-year-old former Gov. Mario Cuomo, is home from the hospital and in good spirits.   The younger Cuomo tells reporters that he saw his father Wednesday night and chatted with him Thursday morning.   Read more   Source: http://www.timesunion.com    

by Dina Sciortino   Senator Carlucci joins members of the Italian-American State Legislators Conference to present Clarkstown South High School student Alana Kurtti with a $1,500 dollar check in Albany. New City resident Alana Kurtti, a model student and member of her community, was chosen as this year's winner of the Italian-American S...

The public is invited to honor Christopher Columbus the discover of America on Monday, October 13 at 11:00 am at the American Italian Heritage Museum, 1227 Central Ave., Albany, NY.   The event includes a program to honor Columbus, followed by a movie of his life and a reception. The museum will be open 11 am to 2 pm and no admission will be...

Italian Easter Traditions with slides will be presented by Prof/Cav. Philip J. DiNovo on Wednesday, April 16th at ll:00am. There are so many interesting Easter traditions. A beautiful collection of color slides of the Feast from Italy and the Italian American Community will be shown.   The presentation will help you better appreciate Easter,...

By Amy Biancolli   Andrea Bocelli isn't really an opera singer — he doesn't have the pipes, for one thing, or anything like the seductive extroversion that's required in wooing a crowd — but he sings sweetly, stands erectly and brings with him all the expected trappings of classical music.   He brought them all to the Times Union Cent...

A federal judge has ruled that the state did not violate the First Amendment rights of the owners of Albany's "Wandering Dago" lunch cart when it was banned from slinging sandwiches in a government complex because of the anti-Italian slur in its name.   Northern District federal Judge Mae D'Agostino dismissed the lawsuit filed by the truck's...

By Don Rittner   On top of a box in the attic of an unused building in Albany lay a photograph of a beautiful Italian woman. Looking through the box I found newspaper accounts, and a photo album, more photos of this beautiful woman who, by her photos, appeared to be an actress or singer around the turn of the 20th century. But who was this "...

The Neighborhood That Disappeared - by Mary Paley, John Romeo & Bernie Mulleda - Film's premier on WMHT (12/12 @ 8 pm.)   Film Summary "The Italian is an intensely gregarious creature, comfortable in extended families, crowds, markets, piazzas – in song, debate, commerce. The Italian has for centuries cherished the primary agg...