Festa Italiana to return

Mar 11, 2022 367


After a two-year hiatus, area residents — and those who like to come home for festivities — will be happy to hear that Festa Italiana will return in 2022. A post to social media Wednesday proudly proclaimed, “We’re back. Festa Italiana 2022: Aug. 11, 12 and 13!” The post encouraged readers to “Stay tuned for more details.”

In 2021, a “Festa to go” series of days were explored. Residents could stop by Festival Way to grab Muffaletta sandwiches, Hot Pepper salad and cannolis and take them home or enjoy them at socially distanced tables set up for the occasion. There was an opportunity to socialize as well, with a familiar figure from Paw Patrol greeting visitors during one of the to-go event days.

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SOURCE: https://www.bradfordera.com

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