‘Ritratti di Donne 2 – Science’ for the Italian Research Day in the world

Apr 21, 2022 941

In 2021 italiana.esteri.it launched an ambitious project: Ritratti di donne, a gallery of ten short videos outlining a feminine Italy of great drive and personality, which successfully set out to tell the story of our country through the voices and stories of leading figures on the contemporary Italian cultural scene, including literature, art, music, cinema, theatre, archaeology, fashion and business.

This first edition will be followed by a second, even more topical one in 2022: Ritratti di donne 2 – Science , ten new clips of leading figures in Italian women’s research, technology and industry. To mark the occasion of Italian Research Day in the World, 15 April, the first 5 are being made available, while the remaining 5 will be published later in the year.

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SOURCE: https://italiana.esteri.it

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