Bosa, a picturesque town nestled on the western coast of the enchanting island of Sardinia, Italy, is set to steal the spotlight in 2024 as an Italian gem that often goes unnoticed by travellers. With its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, Bosa is emerging as the most beautiful yet underrated destination in Italy.
Italian locals have long known the allure of Bosa, appreciating its unique charm and authenticity. Now, as the travel world seeks fresh and undiscovered locations, Bosa is poised to become the go-to destination for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience.
Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS is a leading urologist who received his medical training at ins...
by Claudia Astarita Musement – the Italian innovative online platform – has launc...
Ciao ciao, Alitalia. Italy's storied flag carrier has announced it will no longer issue ti...
As the Italian government prepares to bring in “phase two” of the national lockdown measur...
The so-called 'Basilica of the Mysteries' has been reborn in Rome. The basilica, one of th...
Water can hide all kinds of secrets. But while shipwrecks and sea creatures might be expec...
The Basilica of Santa Maria e San Donato dates to the seventh century, back when the islan...
The travel itinerary company Earth Trekkers has highlighted a hidden Italian commune with ...