In the United States there are 144 places named after Columbus: cities, towns, lakes, rivers, provinces, villages, townships, counties and of course the District of Columbia. America also has more than 200 statues, busts, monuments, memorials, bas reliefs dedicated to him; while it's impossible to count paintings and other artworks. Nevertheless, i...

No art more than cinema has helped to shape the relationship between Italy and the United States. Cinema has been for the relationship between the two countries a fundamental vehicle of cultural exchange, an imaginative means of historical and social description, and a very strong device of communication and mutual influence. Cinema is also one of...

At We the Italians, we've always been thankful to the American police. And through the years, several Italian Americans have traditionally been employed in protecting and serve, all over the US, particularly on the East Coast.   This is why we are proud and glad to be able to interview Inspector Joseph Gallucci, a decorated member of the NYPD Col...

L'emigrazione italiana toccò moltissime città statunitensi. Se è vero che la maggior parte degli italiani si stabilì sulla costa est, per ovvi motivi geografici, e se è vero che molti tra coloro che arrivarono fino alla costa ovest andarono a San Francisco, non furono pochi i nostri connazionali che si stabilirono nell'area di Los Angeles. Proprio...

Boston is home to many Italians. Either the new arrivals, young skilled professionals or students born in Italy and just recently landed in Massachusetts, and the Americans of Italian heritage, get their information about that area by a wonderful magazine, called "Bostoniano". Now the founder and editor of the magazine, Nicola Orichuia, is launchi...

A few days ago CENSIS, the most important study center among those who analyze the Italian society, published a study which shows that foreign investment in Italy have decreased by 58% from the beginning of the crisis. We also learned that, while still in second place in Europe (and fifth in the whole world) for manufacturing, Italy attracts only 1...

Broadway is one of the most famous and sparkling iconographic representations of the American leadership in the world. It is "the myth" for every actor, screenwriter, director, choreographer: for anyone who dreams of being part of the show business. In Broadway, Italy is not very much represented: unlike other areas in which Italian Americans have...

Capita a volte che per intervistare personalità a capo di istituzioni che hanno sede a Roma, non si abbia solo il privilegio di incontrare persone di grande capacità e cortesia, ma anche di farlo in luoghi che contribuiscono alla grande bellezza romana. La American Academy in Rome è il migliore esempio di questo tipo: non solo perché il Prof. Chris...

The 2016 Presidential elections give us the opportunity to talk about the political behavior of the Italian Americans through their experience, from the first days to these years. It is a very interesting topic, which we address by meeting with one of the most prominent experts about this topic, Prof. Stefano Luconi. Watch out, this is going to be...

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" This is the most famous part of "The New Colossus", the poem engraved on a plaque on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty....

It is not easy to say something new about a singer everybody called "The Voice": probably the most important and compete artist of the American XX century. Still, as this man was an Italian American, and on December 12 he would have turned 100, we feel important to dedicate one of our interviews to the legend of the great Frank Sinatra. To do that...

Quando si pensa all'insegnamento ufficiale della lingua italiana nel mondo, la Società Dante Alighieri è l'istituzione storicamente preposta a tale scopo. La nostra lingua ha tradizione e significa cultura e piacevolezza, ovunque, e costituisce per i nostri connazionali emigrati in America tanti anni fa, e per i loro discendenti, un punto di riferi...