The Italian American Studies Association announces the Italian American Studies Association Book Award to be offered even numbered years for a scholarly work and odd numbered years for a creative work. The first award will be presented in November 2016 at our meeting in Long Beach, CA. (The recipient need not be present.) The award of $500 will be...
by Francesca Bezzone To an Italian, Dante is croce e delizia, pleasure and pain: forcefully immersed in the study of his heavenly works during the rebellious years of adolescence, we usually begin our relationship with the Dantean world with the wrong foot. But then comes adulthood and, with it, this strange necessity to pick those ol...
Eating genuine, authentic Italian food can be a struggle when you are not in Italy. Italian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world, but also, alas, one of the most imitated. Mind, the quality of food and ingredients in restaurants, as well as the respect of the country's culinary tradition, is an issue also in Italy: we, too, have...
Ferrarelle USA ( has partnered with DS Waters of America, Inc (, one of the leading operators in the U.S. home and office delivery business, to deliver Ferrarelle's naturally effervescent bottled mineral water nationwide. DS Waters provides bottled water, water filtration and coff...
By Marco Pontoni Questa è una storia che sembra la sceneggiatura di un film, una avvincente, tragica crime story. Ma è una storia vera. È la storia di un italiano, un ex-campione sportivo e un imprenditore, condannato negli Usa all'ergastolo, nel 2000, per omicidio. Se ne sono occupati in molti: giornalisti, personalità dello spettacolo, alcuni p...
As part of its 120th anniversary celebrations, Lavazza is launching the most extensive international communication campaign in its history. Titled, "Lavazza, There's More to Taste," the international campaign will include the Italian coffee company's first broadcast push in the U.S. market. Developed by the Y&R Italia advertising agenc...
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (NYSE:FCAU) was trading 1.23 percent lower this morning despite having announced that it sold 4 percent more vehicles in March 2015 compared to a year earlier, setting a new US record for the company. FCA's success in North America, where it sold 202,227 vehicles, beating analysts' expectations by 2.6 percent, com...
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV reported a two-thirds jump in second-quarter profit on Thursday as the Italian-American car maker showed strong improvement in its North America margins and consolidated a timid turnaround in Europe. Net profit rose 69% to €333 million ($366 million) in the second quarter compared with €197 million in the same...
by W.A Muller Cristina Fontanelli has become a well-known personality through her recordings, her appearances on TV, radio, in concert, nightclubs, and opera, and through her acting debut on network television. She has appeared as PBS-TV/NY affiliates host for Andrea Bocelli's "Live From Central Park" also starring Celine Dion and Tony Ben...
Le stime più accreditate calcolano che solo tra il 2001 e il 2010 il fenomeno dell'Italian sounding sia balzato del 180% e che oggi incida per il 25% sull'export complessivo del comparto. Il mercato della contraffazione alimentare nel mondo, insieme a quello dell'Italian sounding, genera un giro d'affari di 60 miliardi, di cui 6 riguardano la contr...
by Michael Traversa Joe Lo Truglio is one of those actors that the mainstream audience knows they have seen before but can hardly remember the name; yet in the comedy world he is very well known and respected. He has a memorable face, he often steals the show and he has an extraordinaire comic timing. In the past three years he ha...
Jennifer Martin is an Italian American living in the Boston, Massachusetts area whose dream became a reality many years ago when she traveled to Italy for the first time for a study abroad program back in college. Her goal at the time was to open her eyes to new horizons and get a true cultural experience of her heritage. As she traveled all over m...