by Francesco Prisco It's not often mentioned, but there is some movement down there. Despite the number of visitors having fallen for the past two years, Italian cave tourism is enjoying good health and, according to estimates by professionals, 2015's performance should show a 5% growth.   The Bel Paese is rich with attractions in this...

by C.J. Martello   Experiencing Italy with 35 like-minded individuals was a true gift. I can see why many of my fellow travelers were making the trip for the second, third or even fourth time. For some, the trip was an opportunity to visit family while for others like myself, it was a chance to see the many beautiful cities we had heard abou...

By Rosario Mariani   December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Italy officially prepares for il Santo Natale. In most of Southern Italy, it is quite common to see the zampognari playing Christmas carols in grottoes, shrines and other religious places throughout the area.   As Americans, we associate the bagpipes with...

by Silvia Donati   "When I refer to discovering Bologna, I admit to an ongoing seduction by her unique past and modern charm, not the least of which are the Bolognesi themselves." Mary Tolaro Noyes's love affair with the city of Bologna began in 1994.   That year, Mary, who lives in San Francisco, decided she'd learn Italian in o...

by Chiara Bussi   Emilia-Romagna has been the only Italian region to accomplish expenditure's certification targets for EU funds 2007-2013 for both European Social Fund (ESF) and Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This information comes from the Observatory Il Sole 24 Ore-Clas Group which has analyzed the latest data and compared them with go...

by Ruth McKee An operatic collaboration between an American film-maker, an Italian haute couture king, and a British set designer will make its debut this weekend. Sofia Coppola's La Traviata will open at the Opera of Rome on Sunday in a production featuring costumes made and designed by Valentino with backdrops created by Nathan Crowley, the...

It looks like the 2019 Dodge Journey could be more Italian than American as it was been reported that the upcoming model might be produced in Italy. According to AutoNews, FCA will be moving the production of the Dodge Journey from Mexico to Italy. The vehicle has been in Mexico since 2011 but it looks like it will be making its way to Europe...

by Emanuele Scarci   The Italian food industry is zeroing in on the US market: the government, through the Special Plan for Made in Italy, is investing €50 million in a deal with US retailers.   "Last year we exported to the U.S. €3.5 billion with a growth around 20%," said the president of trade group Federalimentare Luigi Scordamagl...

Bridges are everywhere in the world, but if you go to Italy, you will definitely bump into some of the most romantic. The Australian magazine Italianicious has recently published an extremely interesting article recalling the stories of some of Italian famous bridges.   Venice is introduced as "the best place in Italy for bridge lovers" as t...

"Nel dialogo che ho intrattenuto con gli elettori durante la recente campagna elettorale, la cittadinanza è emersa come uno dei temi di maggiore sensibilità per gli italiani all'estero". A scrivere è Francesca La Marca, deputata Pd eletta in Nord America, che annuncia oggi la sua prima proposta di legge sulla cittadinanza.   "Chi l'ha perdut...

"Roma è una città vivace al pari di New York, per questo punto a investire lì. Vorrei fare della Città Eterna la capitale italiana del fitness". Secondo quanto riportato e diffuso dal network televisivo Julienews, lo ha detto Madonna a margine della sua ultima apparizione pubblica in occasione del Met Gala, uno degli eventi più glamour del jet set...

Novantasette meraviglie. E napoletani e turisti sono gia' in fila per ammirarle. Il Tesoro di Napoli, la mostra che ha fatto tappa a Roma e Parigi apre da oggi a Napoli al museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro. Una esposizione che ripropone le straordinarie opere artistico religiose donate al Santo a partire dal '500.   Una mostra che grazie a par...