Occasionally, someone will speak of the real origins of spaghetti. It is one of those questions close to our hearts but it's hidden behind a truth which few know very well. The world market has not existed for only a short amount of time and over time it has had the ability to "alter" the distances, which today can only surprise us. In 200...
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) leadership is proud to announce for the second year a scholarship in partnership with Accademia Teatro alla Scala, one of the most renowned institutions for training professionals in the performing arts, and Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business (MIP), an internationally recognized managem...
Culture Minister Dario Franceschini on Friday inaugurated Italy's largest path specially designed for the disabled at the archaeological site of the ancient city of Pompeii. "When I came here for the first time as minister two and a half years ago it was because of collapses (of parts of the site)," Franceschini said. "Now architectu...
Il Segretario generale Elio Carozza ha convocato il 7 e 8 maggio alla Farnesina il Comitato di Presidenza del Cgie. I lavori inizieranno alle 10 di martedì, 7 maggio, e seguiranno questo ordine del giorno: Relazione del Governo e dibattito; Incontri con i nuovi responsabili dei gruppi parlamentari e con i Presidenti delle Commissioni di riferiment...
Con 191 voti favorevoli, 55 contrari e 8 astensioni l'Assemblea di Palazzo Madama ha approvato la mozione presentata dal senatore Pd Claudio Micheloni, sull'istituzione del Comitato per le questioni degli italiani all'estero. Mozione bipartisan, sottoscritta da tutti i senatori eletti all'estero, la mozione è stata votata da Pd, Pdl, Scelta Civica,...
"Fra le tante brutte notizie per gli italiani nel mondo di questi tempi, ecco spuntarne una bella, davvero inaspettata. Così, senza clamore, alla chetichella, la Rai sta per riprendere a produrre programmi specifici per gli italiani all'estero da trasmettere su Rai Italia a partire dal 30 settembre". A darne notizia è "L'Italiano". "S...
Verona, rendered famous as a city of eternal love by Shakespeare, hosts the tenth edition of Verona in Love for Valentine's Day weekend 2014, February 13th-16th. The four-day event invites couples to visit its heart-shaped outdoor market in Piazza dei Signori. The market is symbolic of Verona in Love, thanks to one photo that has garnered it inter...
Il 13 aprile, Domenica della Palme, le catacombe dei santi Marcellino e Pietro su via Casilina 641 (antica via Labicana) a Villa De Sanctis, riapriranno al pubblico. Una gran bella notizia che giunge dopo un lungo e puntuale restauro delle seconde più grandi catacombe al mondo, condotto dalla Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e finan...
Italian auto giant Fiat Chrysler announced Tuesday that it will invest around $7 billion through 2018 to relaunch the high-end and sporty Alfa Romeo line with eight new models expected. Fiat said in a strategy presentation that it expects to revive Alfa Romeo with an increase in output from 74,000 cars in 2013 to 400,000 in 2018. ...
Starting July 1st, tourists who choose Florence as an inevitable stop between Italian cities of art, will have one more chance to appreciate the beauty of the pearl of the Renaissance. Until September 30th, every Tuesday, the Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia Gallery will keep special evening openings with extended working hours until 10:00...
Italy's Pambianco Strategie di Impresa consultancy has recently presented its study on the 50 most profitable fashion and the 15 top design companies in Italy. The study, conducted in partnership with PwC, aims to devise the Italian companies that could potentially go public within the next 3-to-5 years. Read more Source:...
International baseball ambassador and Italian National team hitting coach Mike Piazza got a jump start on Babbo Natale, otherwise known as Father Christmas, when he traveled to Veneto, Italy last January to speak to an enthusiastic audience at the 29th Annual Coaches Convention. Piazza said, "We all overteach and overanalyze hitting. Every...