Italian film crew captures Jessup tradition for homeland

May 30, 2017 1043


All of Italy shared in the celebration of Jessup’s patron saint. An Italian film crew traveled across the Atlantic Ocean last week to document La Festa dei Ceri, a celebration of St. Ubaldo Baldassini, which happens in only two places on the planet — Gubbio, Italy, and Jessup.

On Sunday, during the last event of the weekend-long festival, videographers with cameras mounted on shoulder rigs weaved through throngs of children, who were decked out in the colors of their saints, Ubaldo, Anthony or George. In the Ceri Piccoli, children raced with small statues of their saints, perched atop tall pillars mounted on platforms called “stanga,” down Church Street, then onto Erie Street to the race terminus at Jessup Veterans Memorial Field.

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