Euler Hermes Announced its Economic Study "EXPO Milano 2015: Made in Italy alla Grande?"

May 19, 2015 863

Expo Milan will make a limited but positive contribution of 0.1% to Italian GDP in 2015. In total, including first-round effects, the Expo could bring up to +0.4% of GDP from tourism (15 million visitors), export revenue (+10% in some sectors), additional output (€ 6 billion) and new jobs (approx. 100,000).

These are some of the main conclusions by Euler Hermes, the worldwide leader in credit insurance, in its economic study "Expo Milano 2015: Made in Italy alla grande?" "In the history of economy, Universal Exhibitions have always been turning points and a chance for re-launch," said Michele Pignotti, the head of Mediterranean Countries, Middle East and Africa (MMEA) region for Euler Hermes.

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