Grana Padano PDO and Parmigiano Reggiano PDO: two different recovery strategies

Jul 27, 2020 530

Renato Zaghini, the newly elected president of the Grana Padano PDO protection Consortium, has it clear: in a time of uncertainty like this, maintaining market shares is much more important than maintaining the price level.

Exactly the opposite of what the Parmigiano Reggiano PDO protection Consortium decided at the end of June, withdrawing 320,000 wheels from the market in order to stem a 40% annual drop in prices. According to Ismea’s latest report, Parmigiano Reggiano PDO is the first Italian PDO product in terms of production value with 1.43 billion euros, but Grana Padano PDO comes second with 1.27 billion euros. 

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