While visiting Italy in 2005, photographer Margot Balboni was struck by the beauty of an 18th-century Neapolitan presepe (nativity scene) at the Cosma Damiano in Rome. The figurines were elaborately clothed and the tale told was more than the narrowly focused story of the baby Jesus in a manger with Mary and Joseph by his side, as is more...
Il presidente del Consiglio regionale della Basilicata, Piero Lacorazza, e il consigliere regionale Aurelio Pace, esponente dei Popolari per l'Italia (Basilicata) hanno ricevuto questa mattina Cristina Rosa Ferrone, professore di chirurgia presso il Massachussets General Hospital di Boston. La Ferrone, giunta in Basilicata per la presentaz...
The Consul General of Italy in Boston Nicola De Santis and the October as Italian Heritage Month Committee cordially invite you to attend the 17th Anniversary of October as Italian Heritage Month. Friday September 30th, 2016 at 6 PM sharp. State House, 3rd Floor - House of Representatives - 24 Beaco...
By Gail McCarthy Paintings of Cape Ann and Italy are the crux of a new show by Italian-born artist Remo Ray Gaietto, which opens next Thursday, Oct. 3, at the North Shore Arts Association. The Oct. 3 reception for this show of 55 paintings coincides with the East Gloucester art association's second annual potluck dinner, open to the publi...
Peter C. Sugar's latest book "Impressions of Italy" is the best way to dive into the country's rich culture and stunning landscapes through the eyes of an architect. After obtaining his master's degree in Architecture at MIT, Sugar lived and worked in Italy for eight years, during which he honed his skills in drawing with hundreds of pen and ink k...
As part of the organization's recurring "Friday Night at the Italian Cinema" series, the Italian Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts will screen "Johnny Stecchino" on Friday, April 3. The screening of the 1991 comedy, which tells the tale of mistaken identity between a bus driver and a mob informant, will be presented by Dr. Rocco Mesiti, Ita...
By Farrah Duffany Two nonprofits were each recently awarded $1,500 from the proceeds of the Italian-American festival in July. The Southington Italian-American Festival Committee presented Southington Community Services and Southington Community Cultural Arts with the donation on Monday. The funds came from the beverage booth at the...
By Lisa Reisman Anyone who's traveled through the center of Guilford at various times in the past year or so cannot have missed the purple emblazoning its churches, schools, and businesses. With its popular Italian Festival on Friday night, Aug. 26 and all day Saturday, Aug. 27, the St. George Men's Group will do its part to highlight...
Boston was awash in green, white and red on May 31, when the third italianissimo! gala organized by the Friends of the Italian Cultural Center was held. Set in the Burnham Building downtown, the event attracted hundreds of members of the community and beyond in a sign of support for establishing a new Italian cultural center in the city. "It is a...
The final spring screening of the Italian Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts' "Friday Night at the Italian Cinema" will show the comedy "Pane e Tulipani" on Friday, May 1. The Italian film tells the story of Rosalba Barletta, an unappreciated housewife who starts a new life in Venice after being left behind on a family vacation. ...
Grande Festa, sabato scorso in Connecticut, USA, a Stamford, per brindare alla Repubblica italiana e dare il benvenuto al nuovo Console Generale nella Tri-State Area, Ministro plenipotenziario, Francesco Genuardi. A promuovere ed organizzare l'evento è stata l'on. Fucsia Nissoli FitzGerald, deputata eletta nella Circoscrizione estera - Riparti...
Sacco and Vanzetti-- Author's Discussion - Tuesday, August 30, 2016 Author Robert Knox will be discussing his recent novel, Suosso's Lane, about the Sacco & Vanzetti case. La Marcia del Delore, rare footage of the funeral, will also be shown. Tuesday, August 30, 2106 - 7:00 pm at: I AM Books - 189 North Street, Bo...