Combonis to honor Tony Turano

Oct 25, 2015 1114

The Comboni Missionaries will honor Umberto "Tony" Turano as Man of the Year on Nov. 21 at Porretta's Banquets in Chicago. (708-354-1999) "Tony Turano is a supremely successful businessman who has never forgotten his roots," says the Rev. Peter Premarini, MCCJ, superior of the Comboni Mission Center in LaGrange Park.

"We have chosen to honor him in appreciation of all the generous contributions that he and his family have made to the community as well as their support of the work of the Comboni Missionaries." Tony and his brothers, Renato and Giancarlo, were born to Mariano and Assunta Turano in the mid-1940s and early 1950s in Castrolibero, Cosenza, Calabria. 

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Fonte: Fra Noi

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