Rizzo's not the only important Italian that America wants to vilify

Sep 08, 2017 1930

BY: Christine M. Flowers

On March 14, 1891, in the city of New Orleans, 11 Italian Americans were lynched by an angry mob.  The anger stemmed from a jury’s failure to convict the men of killing a police officer, Daniel Hennessy. 

Refusing to accept the verdicts, a crowd marched to the prison where the acquitted defendants were held post-trial, broke down the doors screaming “We want the Dagoes!” and murdered the following men: Antonio Bagnetto, Joseph P. Macheca, Antonio Marchesi, Antonio Scaffidi, James Caruso, Rocco Geraci,  Pietro Monasterio, Emmanuele Polizzi, Frank Romero, and Charles Traina.

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SOURCE: http://www.philly.com

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