WTI Magazine #60    2015 May, 15Author : IACE      Translation by:   For the last three consecutive years the Italian American Committee on Education Summer Program has enjoyed a residency in the medieval town of Narni, province of Terni, in southern Umbria. Through close collaboration with the Narni Arts Academy and its Artistic Director, pia...

By Howard Norman   Jhumpa Lahiri lived with her family in Rome in 2012. Though she had studied Italian for 20 years, as part of her "full immersion" into the Italian language, she now kept a kind of philological notebook, full of vocabulary, phrases, rules of grammar. Initially, some of this was shaped into an essay in the magazine Internazi...

The University for Foreigners in Perugia together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Embassy in Washington offers 50 scholarships to attend Italian language and culture courses or teacher training courses at the University for Foreigners of Perugia. The University for Foreigners in Perugia is the oldest and most prestigious Italia...

Il Mediterraneo spazio di dialogo tra culture e la Sardegna come ponte sul Mediterraneo. È in questo scenario che la Società Dante Alighieri, istituzione impegnata da 120 anni per la diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel mondo, ha deciso di portare nel capoluogo sardo l'81° Congresso Internazionale, l'appuntamento a cadenza biennale...

by Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino La settimana dedicata alla lingua italiana è un evento che promuove lo studio della nostra lingua nel mondo. L'evento organizzato ogni anno dalla rete culturale e diplomatica della Farnesina, si svolge durante la terza settimana di ottobre con conferenze, mostre, spettacoli, incontri con scrittori, con spettacoli e in...

by Stefano Salimbeni   The Centro Attività Scolastiche Italiane (C.A.S.IT.) launched its first Innovative Italian Summer Camp program on Monday, July 8. "I still can't believe we managed to make this happen," said Maria Gioconda Motta, founder of C.A.S.IT. and one of several volunteers working at the camp. The program includes both ind...

This is a fantastic opportunity for Italian language teachers in Southern California of all levels. This professional development workshop is offered by Chapman University's Italian Studies Council.   Keynote speaker: renowned language education specialist Dr. Elissa Tognozzi (University of California, Los Angeles). The course will be held f...

by Dan Gentile Prostitution has different connotations around the world, but there's only one place where it's inspired a sauce. That place is Italy and the stuff is puttanesca, which translates roughly to "lady of the night."   Some sources call the sauce Roman (The Oxford Companion to Italian Food), but it's more commonly associated...

Molto incoraggianti le notizie che ci giungono da Washington sul futuro della lingua italiana negli Stati Uniti: l'ambasciatore d'Italia Claudio Bisogniero, rispondendo alle domande de La VOCE di New York, ha rivelato che il raggiugimento dell'obiettivo dei 2.500 studenti che devono sostenere l'esame AP Italian entro il 2016 è ormai prossimo e ques...

  WTI Magazine #71    2015 October, 30Author : Torre di Babele      Translation by:   Why people like to study Italian? Art, culture, music, food and wine: is all Italy and Italian language can offer? Why the language of a small like this is that important in the world, to be one the most widely taught languages in the world? If you are interest...