How many awards has Sophia Loren won? Let's retrace the career of the Italian diva

May 13, 2021 757

BY: Linda Hopkins

Thanks to the victory at the David di Donatello 2021, who saw her return home with the award for the best leading actress for the film Netflix Life ahead, la superstar Sophia Loren he now has another trophy to add to his large wall. But exactly how many awards has Sophia Loren won over the course of her career? Make yourself comfortable, because there is no short answer to this question.

Sophia, first under some pseudonyms (such as Sofia Scicolone or Sofia Lazzaro), began to appear in Italian cinema from 1950, and soon reached success with some well-known films such as Bread, love and ..., Two nights with Cloepatra, One day in the district court, and especially The gold of Naples, first collaboration with Vittorio de Sica.

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