On Bertucci's, Hot Rolls, and the Underrated Importance of 'Gateway' pizza

Oct 16, 2018 610

Of the 16 restaurants in Wellesley, Massachusetts, in the late ’90s, 10 were pizza places. Peter’s Pizza was the Greek pizza place you went to get steak and cheese subs with pepperoni, Danny’s Pizza was the Greek pizza place you went to buy pot from that kid who dropped out of UVM, Mark’s Pizza was the Greek pizza place you went to get boneless buffalo tenders, Nick’s Pizza was the Greek pizza place you went to get mozzarella sticks and weirdly delicious toasted veggie subs,

Joe’s Pizza was the Greek pizza place you went on half-day Wednesdays because it was next to White Mountain Creamery, House of Pizza was the Greek pizza place no one ever went in, Deluxe Pizza was the Greek pizza place where you ate slices provided to you by a man named Manny while you waited for someone in their parents’ car in the parking lot to tell you whether or not people were drinking in the woods behind Bates, Papa Razzi was the fancy pizza place you’d go to with your mom and stepdad on a weekend night, Domino’s was the chain pizza place you’d order delivery from after you stopped by Danny’s Pizza, and then there was Bertucci’s.

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SOURCE: https://www.thrillist.com

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