A Visit to Scordato’s Pizzeria

Apr 17, 2019 830

BY: Ed Kula

The Vivace/Pizzeria Vivace duo (by chef Daniel Scordato) has exited long-time digs in St. Philip’s Plaza. Vivace is now nestled in the north foothills while Pizzeria Vivace re-emerged as Scordato’s Pizzeria on Stone at River (just north of Tucson Mall).

Scordato’s is all about the pizza pie. There are other tasteful entrees, but here pizza reigns. This is neither the heralded Chicago deep dish nor the famous New York style. It would be a challenge to fold this crisp and relatively light pie. I’ll describe it as Tuscan style that’s baked at a very high temperature.

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SOURCE: https://tucson.com

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