Silvia Chiave is Italy’s new Consul General in Los Angeles

Dec 23, 2018 1847

BY: Silvia Giudici

“Even before choosing to travel, I was a nomad and I got to know first-hand the nature of the various Italian communities abroad, I was able to appreciate their versatility, their high cultural level, their widespread talent and their excellent integration skills.” Silvia Chiave, Italy’s new Consul General in Los Angeles, knows very well what it means to be an Italian abroad as she spent most of her childhood between France, Senegal and Venezuela, where her parents moved for work.  

“I have experienced on my skin the difficulty of living far from one’s own country, with the frequent consequence of being considered a foreigner everywhere you go,” the new consul tells us, after officially beginning her mandate in California on December 3rd, 2018. Born in Milan in 1975, Silvia has returned to live in Italy only later in her life to complete her university studies. 

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