Mio Posto flourishes in new Albany space

Aug 11, 2017 1381

BY: Susie Davidson Powell

Indulge me while I get a little starry-eyed over the recent arrival of Mio Posto in downtown Albany after its displacement from Saratoga Springs by fire. Who am I to ask the gods what transpired for the former Lark & Lily to become available as Mio Posto's new home? Did Sylvia Meder Lilly wake up one morning and decide it was time to pass the baton? Was it preordained that chef-owner Danny Urschel and Lilly, who worked together at Yono's some 20 years ago, would come together this way? Who knows?

But rarely is there such a seamless hand-in-glove merger of displaced restaurateur and turnkey digs. Put your dinner in the fridge and get over there. When you can tell friends you're taking them out for a good meal — and it actually is — that's news you can bank.

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SOURCE: http://www.timesunion.com

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