On Ellis Island, a Wall Honors Immigrants Old and New

Apr 17, 2019 856

It may surprise no one to see names like "The Russo Family" from Sicily, Italy, or Anton Ivanovich Malygin from St. Petersburg, Russia, inscribed on Ellis Island's American Immigrant Wall of Honor — a manifestation of common migration patterns to the United States from Europe more than a century ago. 

But on a nearby panel, reflecting the Upper New York Bay and the shapes of visitors in its stainless steel, are the names "Topiltzin and Angela Martínez Family" from Honduras; "Teresa and Rosa E. López" from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala; and "Jaime F. Hernández" from El Salvador — immigrants who did not disembark on Ellis Island, but are memorialized for posterity nonetheless. 

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SOURCE: https://www.voanews.com

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